Thursday, April 5, 2007

Second Life?? I'm still trying to figure out the first!

I was recently a part of an on-line "webinar", introducing participants to the hottest new techie thing called Second Life. I will admit that originally I couldn't imagine the potential uses in library life, but I was quickly won over. The networking and training opportunities involved with Second Life were amazing...and even went so far as to include a "live" author reading by Dean Koontz! Other training and information sessions that were mentioned posed an excellent argument for creating an account as quickly as possible. My only fear is that I would become so involved in exploring and training on Second Life, that the members of my First Life would be grumpy when the cupboard and closets were bare...

(And as an amusing darling husband corrected me..."Leigh, the word is SEMINAR...not WEBINAR...even I know that". He's so cute).

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