Saturday, April 28, 2007

Th-th-th-That's All Folks!

I've finally come to the end of my 23 Things journey...and I must relieved as I am to have completed it, the moment is bittersweet. I've enjoyed stretching my brain and (hopefully) increasing my knowledge base and skills. When I was first approached to join the program, I anticipated that I would find the training helpful professionally. I was surprised to find just as many personally helpful Web 2.0 sites. What a bonus! I even found an email reminding me of my Godson's birthday (now, if I could only remember to check my email in the first place...).

I found that several of the introduced ideas could be easily transferred to the world of the public library, and could assist us with providing better service to our patrons. I think, however, that a bit discrimination might be in order. It would be terribly easy to become carried away with the desire to implement many of the ideas that abound within the program.

That being's some of my thoughts on what might be handy to have available for one's patrons...

Blogs - Blogs which are internal to the institution would be useful for identifying tips, tricks, and troubleshooting for anything from crafts, to program ideas, to upgrades to the circ systems. External blogs could be implemented to support virtual book clubs, as well as assist in promoting a sense of community for library patrons.

RSS Feeds - These could be implemented to inform patrons of library news, new books, journal, or program announcements, overdue and received holds notices, etc. These are also rather handy for professional development by informing staff of upcoming events, conferences, and training opportunities.

Flickr - Not to be mistaken for the Tim McGraw movie...Flickr slideshows could be implemented for virtual library tours, as well as recording renovation progress.

Tags - As I'm certain many have already discovered, tagging would be helpful to support library blogs, etc, and as a cross reference tool for library web pages.

Wikis - A book review library wiki could be created to support patron book reviews, as well as read-a-like lists.

Now you see why a bit of discretion could be called for!

Despite the fact that I have completed the program, I don't feel as though I have absorbed as much as I could from the program...and so I plan on revisiting many of The 23 Things lessons to delve further into this new technology. I have also located another on-line course that covers many of the same topics as the 23 Things, such as blogs, RSS, Wikis, and Flickr, as well as adding new topics such as Social Networking Software and Second Life, Social Bookmarking Software, and Selling Social Software @ your Library. I hope I enjoy the new course as much as I have the 23 Things!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Like two peas in a pod...

I've just discovered that one can search for podcasts on line. This is yet another new discovery for me. I checked out all three suggested podcast search functions (Yahoo Podcasts,, and I was surprised at the variety of podcast subjects that were available...and even found several involving Pontiac Trans Ams. Of the three search engines, I found that I went back to I found their page to be easier to understand and follow, easier to attach a podcast to my Bloglines account, and generally more user-friendly (there's that word again). After sampling many different podcasts, I ended up subscribing to the RSS feed for LibVibe, which claims to be headline news from the library world. After all...we library types have to stay on top of the latest and greatest in the library world!

YooHoo...It's YouTube!

After hearing so much about it, I've finally discovered YouTube. This is another one of those 23 Things which I have to drag myself away from. I've been exploring YouTube for nearly an hour now...and have watched several videos about things like amusing cats and dogs, Pontiac Trans Ams, how-to and DIY videos, and cute babies. I must admit though...I found a couple of videos that I wasn't quite I don't think I'll be allowing my children to peruse this site unattended...and I'll leave it at that. I find YouTube to be another user-friendly site, and I also found the "related videos" function helpful with trying to locate a suitable video to attach to my blog, but...oh my goodness...where to begin?? I finally decided that since it's Friday...and a perfect day weather-wise...I'd attach a video that would hopefully start your weekend with a smile. Please check the bottom of this page for your daily giggle. I hope you enjoy!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

No more "happy belated" cards for me!

For #18 of 23 Things, I perused the personal organization genre of Web 2.0 sites and found a nifty site called HipCal. This site provides an online calendar, which is quite user-friendly (my favourite term), easy to update, and...wait for it...sends reminder emails about important upcoming events! This is what I've been waiting for. I will never forget our anniversary again! (I know, I's typically the husband who forgets, but who wants to be typical??)

Zoodle Writer?? Zulu Writer?? Zoho Writer!

Wow!  Free spreadsheets, word processing, and calendars available on-line and without requiring expensive licensed software.  There isn't even any supporting software that needs to be downloaded either.  I never knew these existed!  I can see the benefit for myself because I am personally "printer deficient"...or would "printer-challenged" be the pollitically correct term?  Rather than creating something at work (for work only, of course), sending it to my home email for completion and/or editing, and back to my work email for editing and/or printing...this would allow working on my projects on-line and printing when necessary, thereby removing an entire step...over and over again, not to mention the eradication of version differentiation.  This almost sounds too good to be true.  I wonder where this will leave Microsoft Office?


I also wonder if poor Mr. Gates is quaking in his Guccis?  

I should also mention...I created the above post using Zoho Writer, then easily imported it to my blog. Ya gotta love "user-friendly"!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

They're called what???

I've finally discovered what a wiki is! This is yet another handy little device! I've actually bookmarked the Book Lovers Wiki, as well as some of the links from the Bull Run Library wiki. I can really see this as being a useful tool to assist front line staff through the implementation of a "Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting" wiki that could, among other things, address issues and ideas with the new Workflows upgrade.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Bigger and better...Library 2.0!

While reading the articles associated with #15 of the 23 Things "Web 2.0, Library 2.0, and the future of libraries", I was struck by the thought that these new philosophies of library science could easily be transferred to commercial, economical, and other aspects of our society. Heavy, eh? I must admit that I find the prospect of the new Web 2.0 to be simultaneously both exhilarating...and a bit daunting. Baby steps, I guess.

I also must note that I continued reading articles beyond the suggested five, and found an interesting quote in the sixth article "A Ripple Effect: A rural school district shows how one new service in 1992 put in motion a steady wave of library support" by George Bishop, Information Center Director, Ovid-Elsie School. Mr. Bishop says..."Quality customer service is another key to success for our library. Our goal is to make the total customer experience satisfying, pleasurable and resulting in an end-product that meets or exceeds their expectations." Kudos, Mr. thoughts exactly.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Getting Technical with Technorati

I've been exploring Technorati today. Technorati is a web blog search device, for lack of better terms. I've found many neat blog entries after searching "blogs about libraries" with search parameters of "with alot of authority", and "in english only". I've even added some of these blogs to my RSS feeder account. Heaven knows...I'd hate to miss out on something!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Rollyo chocolate bars...Del-icio-us...I'm sensing a theme.

I just completed #13 of The 23 Things. This lesson was an introduction to tagging and Del-icio-us. As always...I played with this site and found tagging to be an incredibly nifty function. As with Rollyo, I can see a wonderful possibility for tags to assist with popular reference questions. (I also appreciated the fact that I was able to find a tag for my personal favourite..."Trans Am").

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Rollyo?? Isn't that a chocolate bar??

I've just completed the Rollyo portion of my 23 Things project. I can see how this could be an immensely handy little thing to help with reference questions on everything from "Pioneers" to "Native Canadians" to various countries. I've created my Rollyo account and searchroll. With the weather finally turning warmer, my thoughts tend to go elsewhere at this time of year, so my searchroll consists of websites for performance and reproduction parts for my Trans Am (after all...we do pride ourselves on "speedy" service at LC!).

Library Thing checks out Library Thing.

I've just discovered Library Thing. What fun! Library Thing is a wonderfully easy to manage and navigate. This was yet another project that I could easily get lost in for hours. I was the model of restraint though, and only played with a few functions. I've attached a (slightly eclectic) list of some of my favourite books (see side bar). I must admit...I had to delete a few mere seconds, I had waaaay too many to list!

Is it the LC Librarian, or Pamela Anderson? You be the judge.

Yep, you guessed it...I've completed #10 of my 23 Things. I must admit...I had waaaaay too much fun with this project also. I used two different image generators, Yahoo, and The Generator Blog, to create two vastly different images. I've attached the one that works the best for me. Is it the LC Librarian, or Pamela Anderson? You be the judge.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Amazing Feeds of Strength!

I've completed #9 in my 23 Things project. I've had a look at a few RSS and blog search engines and I must admit that I preferred Bloglines search because it's the RSS feeder that I have an account with. I noticed that, for whatever wonderful reason, opened with feeds from London, Ontario...which is cool...but I'm not exactly sure how that happened. I also found Feedster to be the most difficult to navigate, but that could just be because I'm on hour 10 of an 11 hour day. I've emailed my link to my home address, and I'm looking forward to checking my Feeder Reader from home over the weekend!
Happy Easter 2007 everyone!

Feeds? Great! I love to eat!

What incredibly handy little devils these turned out to be! Things have been so wonderfully busy lately, and it's been so long since I perused a newspaper, that I feel like I've been living in a current events vacuum. Now I've created my own account using Bloglines which I can use to quickly see what's new when I have a couple of minutes. I've subscribed to news feeds like Bloglines News, CBC Top Stories, Reuters News, and Yahoo News. Professionally speaking, I subsribed to Librarians Internet Index, The Shifted Librarian, NYT Book Review. Just for funzies (and to increase my Trivial Pursuit prowess) I subscribed to Quotes of the Day...but I was disappointed to find that New Urban Legends had nothing to do with a cute, little, Australian, country singer. I tried to attach my "feeds menu" to this blog using the Learning 2.0 tutorial, but I seem to be having some difficulty locating the necessary tab.

Now, if you'll excuse me...all this talk of "feeds" has made me hungry!

Second Life?? I'm still trying to figure out the first!

I was recently a part of an on-line "webinar", introducing participants to the hottest new techie thing called Second Life. I will admit that originally I couldn't imagine the potential uses in library life, but I was quickly won over. The networking and training opportunities involved with Second Life were amazing...and even went so far as to include a "live" author reading by Dean Koontz! Other training and information sessions that were mentioned posed an excellent argument for creating an account as quickly as possible. My only fear is that I would become so involved in exploring and training on Second Life, that the members of my First Life would be grumpy when the cupboard and closets were bare...

(And as an amusing darling husband corrected me..."Leigh, the word is SEMINAR...not WEBINAR...even I know that". He's so cute).

Help! I'm hearing voices!

We've joined the MP3 generation in LC! The spiffy Samsung MP3's will do everything for you but wash your socks...and has a far better memory than I do. It's become incredibly handy for introducing the downloading files, and the concept of MP3's to branch staff. After perusing the extensive on-line instruction manual, and shining the MP3 up a few times (it's so pretty!), we loaded "The Secret Garden" by Frances Hodgson Burnett up. I've wanted to read that one forever...and since it was only 2 parts longs, this seemed like the perfect opportunity. After a small issue(s) with downloading... and then hunting for the file...and then downloading again...and hunting...and downloading...and hunting (just a reminder...there's a three book limit...), we finally managed to download AND find the file!! Of course, by this time, we had to download on someone else's card...I had already hit my limit (now if I could only find those files).

Saturday, March 31, 2007

It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's...

I'm zipping right along with my 23 Things. I've been exploring Flickr for the past few days. (I can absolutely understand how someone could get sidetracked for hours!).
As a part of my "homework", I've created my very own Librarian Trading Card.

The next trick will be to see if I can attach it to this blog.

Get ready, World!'s a's a's the LC Librarian!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Dog Ate My Homework

To complete my #3 of 23 Things Techie Stuff course, I need to discuss my easiest and most difficult of the 7 and 1/2 lifelong learning habits, and then expound on the subject. goes...

My easiest lifelong learning habit is to view problems as challenges. Why, you ask? Because you'll get bogged down if you don't. It's much better to approach difficulties with a positive attitude and learn from the experience (so you don't repeat the same mistake again). No, I won't tell you that I'm good at this every time, but I try.

My most difficult learning habit is to teach and/or mentor others...except professionally, or when asked directly. I'm frequently told that I have a "strong personality" (which is exactly the term I used to use to describe my my tow-headed two year old), and I don't want to appear overbearing or overtly self-assured (is that a nice way to say "know-it-all"?). I'm working on this...wish me luck.

Faster Than a Speeding Snail!

Woohoo!! Here I am! I'm blogging...I think. I've finally started my "23 Things" and, despite one slightly panicked phone call to LB at SR, and various children yelling in the drop-box (I REALLY have to change cars), I've managed to get to create my very own blog. I'm so excited! Bring on the next 20 things! I'm ready...I hope...